
Kinda at Sotterley Country Fair

Our first time here, at this quirky, friendly, extraordinary country fair. Brilliantly organised by Rachel Bunn, she had the inspired idea to put us in the cool of the woods, by the Lake walk. Many mums, dads and young ones joined us, happy to find an escape from the heat, and dally with us: we made clay people, bashed leaves onto linen (hapazone), decorated wood cookies, and wrote with Oak Gall ink, that used to write the Magna Carta 1000 years ago.

Our offering was all free, we were promoting Kinda, both at Worlingham and Holton, as Sotterley was neatly in between our two sites. Thanks to a great team of Gina (our organiser), Paul, Kally and Rachel (plus 3 dogs), and in particular Paul for providing us with home baked bread and running away cheese.

One mum said “This is the best thing here”.

Here are some images of the day:

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