
Elders 11 – clay, bunting, planting and wood chip

What did u have for breakfast? Our opening question: Marmalade (home-made) on toast; Marmalade with a bit penicillin so I left that , and had organic water melon; Lidl Marmalade; Marmalade with a dash of stem ginger added, fried potatoes and egg; Home made bread, home made marmalade; 1/2 price tomatoes and the last slice… Continue reading Elders 11 – clay, bunting, planting and wood chip


Elders 10 – Hapazone, benders and a trip to an ART exhibition

Serena came back! After a long time. A joy to see her. We (Roy, Will and Clare) cracked the bender! Replaced the old hazel with fresh bendy hazel. Caroline led the chipping path - yellow woodchip road. Meanwhile Kally got out the hand cranked sewing machine and started making some bunting, with bunting string supplied… Continue reading Elders 10 – Hapazone, benders and a trip to an ART exhibition


Elders 8 – Rain meander across a field of phycelia, larks above

Will the UK become a temperate rainforest, we wondered as rain came again? We completed the creation of the new fire pit begun by the Wednesday tribe, by filling with soil, cutting fresh stakes and banging them in, before we had a ritual lighting of the first fire. The pit was much admired by Roy… Continue reading Elders 8 – Rain meander across a field of phycelia, larks above